This post will hopefully identify some of the many issues that are associated with auto gambling bots in Runescape and discuss the likelihood of winning (which is slim to nothing) and why you should not trust the majority of them.
Even though I will be the first to admit there are some legit ones out there, being able to distinguish between ones that are legit and ones that are not is hard or at times impossible.
To find a dicer bot simply search it on google or get one here. The issue with using one of these bots is the mutes from Player Moderators you will receive almost instantly, or other dice clans
This would be the currently most common used dice bots that are in the market and are not rigged which you can normally find in most Grand Exchange busy worlds such as W301, W302, etc. The issue with these bots they are usually run by amateurs who could manually stop a dice bot and take your money halfway through your game!
The most common rigged dice bots are the ones that are run by groups of people in W302 Grand Exchange. These people tend to own Player Moderators Accounts and will stop at nothing to eliminate competition to bring you in to their clan chat.
They don't use publicly available dice bots since they don't want everyone else to know the ones they use are rigged, so generally they will get there own script privately made by a developer.
The way they would set up the bots is if you gamble over a certain amount you will 100% loose without a doubt once you trade over a certain amount of GP.
If you are looking to gamble in Runescape without getting cheated I suggest you look for well reputable clans or Discord servers that are provably fair.